South African comedian Trevor Noah has etched his name in the annals of television history by securing an Emmy award in the outstanding talk series category...
Trevor Noah’s show The Daily Show received nominations for seven Emmy Awards, and the comedian can’t keep calm. The popular show was nominated for the Outstanding...
Trevor Noah And Minka Kelly have been broken up for a while now” after calling it quits on their long-term relationship, which first began in August...
Trevor Noah, the Daily Show host has given his grandmother, Gogo who passed away a few days ago a befitting farewell. She died at age 95....
Trevor Noah has claimed he does not want Kanye West to be “cancelled”. The rapper was lately banned from Instagram for 24 hours after using a...
Just like Kool and The Gang, Trevor Noah and his gang of friends seem to have a bond of friendship like no other. If they are...
US-based South African comedian Trevor Noah has taken to his Instagram account to announce his upcoming world tour Back To Abnormal that will take place later...
South African comedian Trevor Noah has scored a nomination in the Male Star of the Year category at this year’s Critics’ Choice Real TV Awards. The...